Crag Clean Up 2023
Lindfield Rocks Crag

A season of good connies. With the season well and truly underway we have seen some heavy traffic at many of our beloved crags and thought we probably needed to show a bit of TLC.Come join us for a gorgeous morning out amongst the rocks, climbing and cleaning up some of Sydney's favourite spots.On the 19th of August we will be rounding up staff and members to come out with some elbow grease and help us make Lindfield Rocks shine. We will meeting at the gym at 9am for pastries and coffees (on us obviously) and then making our way over (carpooling where possible).
For friends who can't bring themselves to be at the gym by 9am, there will also be a contingent meeting at the crag for a 10am start. We will be wrapping up at about 1pm-2pm.After the clean up we will be heading back to the gym where you can either climb, we will have some fun climbing games, dynos, etc happening or just grab a cold one and some food and hang out.

Join us on August 19th for a Crag Clean-Up Day at Lindfield Rocks! Meet at the gym at 9am for coffee and pastries before heading out to clean up. If you’re late, join us at the crag for a 10am start!
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